Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Power in words: Waiting, Patience

Today, I spent an hour in a waiting room.  I hate wasting time.  Actually, I do such a good job wasting time, I don't like it when OTHERS waste my time.

However, throughout the day I was able to work on my new bible study "Words that Hurt, Words that Heal" by Carol Mayhall.  It is about the tongue.  For one of the first time, I choose to give grace.  I just kindly let the receptionist know that I was going to need to reschedule because it was over an hours since my appointment and I needed to attend to my family.

"Oh no!" she exclaimed.  I had fallen through the paperwork loop.  I would have horns usually, but thankfully I was walking WITH Jesus.  He kept me calm.  I was able to talk with another person waiting and extend grace to all who heard.

May I continue to grow in areas when I am not in control and be kind to all who hear.


  1. thanks. It was such a small thing, but I really need transformation in my words.

  2. Great job Elle. :) I need that patience with the darn cat. GRRR!
