Friday, December 30, 2011

Come dine with me

Correction and Grace.  As a parent wanting to teach and train our children, I often find myself at a loss of what to do.  I see the behavior and attitudes of our children, and long for a complete transformation immediately.  Then the Lord, sheds light on my own selfish-sinful behaviors that haven't been instantly evaporated and I walk humbly and shower grace to my children.  I really do love the book "Parenting is your Highest Calling: and 8 other myths to avoid".

The other day, I learned some parenting principles from THE BOOK (Bible).  One of my dear ones did something bad being selfish, and angry. I wanted to scream!  Thankfully, a friend was willing to pray for me and encourage me (no advice just prayer).  The next morning while reading my Bible was the verse in Revelations 3:19-21.  It states that the Lord is at the door and knocking, wanting to come in and dine with the believer.  However, the believers at the time had done many things wrong.

My child had wanted to just forget about the situation, but I told the child that if you would repent that Jesus says he LOVES you and wants to dine with you.  He will forgive you.  He says he discipline those he loves and it is good for you.

The child repented and then I said, "What is your favorite meal?" "Why?" the child asked.  Because God wants to dine with you and we want to celebrate your decision to come back to a good relationship with the Father.  The child said, "I don't deserve that." It was a sweet teachable moment. As I embraced the child, and I said GRACE. He loves you and we do as well.

 (our back yard)
The meal was a special breakfast for dinner complete with greasy bacon.  I am so thankful for God's Word, and the study we have been doing about the Prodigal God with the Father at the banquet just wanting his child to come and eat with Him. (More on that later).

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