Monday, February 13, 2012

Learning Lessons from a dog?

I don't know where to begin.  Yes, I have been totally exhausted.  I figured out why.  I was NOT relaxing.  I would be so "nervous" to make certain there is no puppy accidents that I was in a whirlwind.  Willow (great dane puppy) has been doing good.  Most of the reflections today is around the puppy.  She is sleeping with NO FUSS last night when it was time to go to bed.

1) nervous.
Since Willow has joined a family with LOTS of activity and guest, I really want a relaxed dog.  So, as all the books say: we have gone out to stores, parking lots, parks etc to get her "socialized".  She is often nervous and shaking.  But, after a bit, she warms up and loves to get all the attention. Yeah.

loves to walk with me
*However, I was thinking is that the way I am with sin in my life?  Do I keep it around long enough to feel comfortable with it? To a point where it becomes so part of my life that I never even want to change?

2) longs to be with me-Adoration
Willow "imprinted/bonded" to me the first day.  She hears me going downstairs, and clomp, clomp, clomp. Her she comes.  She will do her "business" outside but, eagerly comes to me.  She heels, and does recall with little effort.  She whines if I leave the house.  And is the first to greet me at the door.  She LOVES going with me anywhere; walking in the rain, or a hike in the cold wintery forest.

This week we are looking into Mary's extravagant heart when she used her entire bottle of expensive perfume on Jesus' feet.  Loved that true story of worship.  I am not saying that Willow is worshiping me, but she longs to be in my presence.  Do I long to be with Jesus by sitting and reading His Word?

3) Eye Test
The dogs (yes Willow has a brother that my friend from high school bought) and we got them together this last week.  They love each other even though it has been 3 months since they saw each other.  They love to run and jump in the snow together.  On Friday, as they were playing, a piece of ice/snow flung up and hit my eye.  It really hurt.  After when it was time to leave, I could see. So, I continued to drive to the library.  Then I did the dumbest thing ever.  I held up two fingers in front of my eye to check if my hurt eye could see it.  WHAT??!  Of course, I knew how many fingers I was holding up.  Soooooo Silly!.

I guess the lesson is that we sometimes need people outside of ourselves to administer tests.  That is why it is so important to be in a body of followers of Christ that can encourage and keep you accountable for things that are hard to "see" for yourself.

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