Monday, April 21, 2014

No more snack, I am missing my meal size Bible.

I don't know what your QUIET times look like?  At the start of the year, I really pondered and prayed about starting another "through the year" Bible reading plan.  Some kind person said, no where in the Bible is it stated that you must read through the whole thing.

So, I chewed on that tidbit of information.  And, that person was totally right.  I couldn't find it.

Consequently, I decided to chew on the Word instead of reading a bunch of chapters from the Bible.  I gave myself the freedom to read just a bit and meditate on it.

It is nice concept, but, I found out that my time with my heavenly Father turned more into a quick fast food instead of a lingering healthy meal of His Word (which is the bread of life).

So, after my wonderful journey of "Contemplating the Cross" by Tricia Rhodes- 40 day journey prior to Easter, I began again a more substantial meat WORD intake. I am going back to the One year plan by Christ Church of the Valley.   I know it is not stated in the Bible, but for me He speaks so clearly when I read and just hear from Him.

The chewing or meditating on scripture comes when I walk away and reflect throughout the day what He has said.

Post-Surgery Wow & 14 years!

Thank you for all the prayers and meals.  I was well cared for both by my friends, church family, and immediate family.  Yes, I am loved by many.  I do think God used each and every one of you to love me.

I spent the first week -just sitting. I sat in different locations.  But, I sat.  I had a bit of the terrible gas pains in the shoulder.

The second week, I felt so weak.  Thanks again for the extra help.  I was able to walk around the fields on Friday with Hannah in the beautiful spring day.
Hannah is the second from the left

We celebrated Max's birth-date (26) by going out to breakfast with dad.

We also have two real birthdays, which means we will be partying fools this week.  *Yes, I will have a learner driver soon (Hannah is now 14).

Today is March 30; our eldest birthday.  It was a long weekend starting with a Disney Movie Marathon on Friday to a special event in Anchorage on Sunday with Bronwyn too.  She was able to use some of the beauty talents shared by Bobbi Brown.

I am taken back to my 14th birthday.  I was in a totally different place.  A place where as a young girl I held the weight of the world on my shoulders.  Pain exposed.  My rebellion had brought me to a new low.  But, I hadn't hit the bottom.  It will take the next 6 years and a multitude of sin to finally hear some good news.

That good news was that I was love perfectly by Jesus.

I am so thankful that my daughter knows His Love.  She is beautiful from the inside out.  I am thankful that God can use both James and me to train her and love her.