Saturday, January 25, 2014

Starting Early=Tons of blessings

After a slow start, our home began to hum with people enjoying the Friday night feast for our Life Group.  Typical, we enjoyed each other and laughed way into the night. I was eager to get to bed as I had my first lock-in chaperon since Word Of Life events in Africa.  3:30 came really early.  We had the second shift of adults.

I was thankful to see the kids playing safely and listening to the lives of the other adult workers.  However, at the end when parents are picking up their zombie like youth, I was able to share about my Savior to a parent!  I love it when you can tell that many things fell into place for that conversation to happen.  May God continue to work in her heart and bring joy and freedom that only Jesus can do.

After a few hours of very interrupted nap-time, James and I headed out for our mountain.  We didn't know who would join us.  But, with the 43 degree weather with clear skies and no wind, it was going to be dreamy.  Yes, it is a mountain, but with the 20 other people we met on the hike (only 2 people we came across that one person in our group didn't know)-I LOVE SMALL TOWNS. Second, it should of been an advertising campaign for Kahtoolas.  Only two people (including kids) were not wearing them.

The hike was so perfect, I was in my T-SHIRT and sunglasses.  Great friends made the hike even better.  I love enjoying the outdoors with others.  (even Annie ran up as far and as fast as she could in 20 minutes) She got a late start.

Another God appointment happened near the top.  We ran into  Bill Pagaran from Carry the Cure.  He asked James if there was anyone in Lazy Mt. Bible Church who would go on the mission journey for the epic journey to "Carry the Cure" of hope to the villages.  The person needs to love the Lord, prayer, and willing to help the set up/take down for the intense schedule.  They do a suicide prevention program in the local school, then in the evening present a concert and testimony by Bill (a native) to the village which brings the Good News!  I was raising my hand!  Pick me!!

So, if you could, please pray with us as I seek His Face to see if this is what the Lord wants me to partner with during the Iditarod to reach the villages with His Good News. 

Thanks for praying.  I guess starting your day at 3:30 am make it a long day full of BLESSINGS! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Good Probing Questions for spiritual reflection.

One of the thought provoking chapels that I heard during my time as a graduate student at Moody Graduate School, I took notes.  My Bible is too worn and the cover fell off, so I decided to put in on the web so that I will always have it. (unless the web dies).  I have no idea who spoke to give acknowledgment to.

I would take these questions and ask myself periodically to do a litmus test on my heart.

1.  Am I content in the who I am becoming?  Every day we get closer to who we are going to be.  Is my lie a standstill or is it progressing?  What is my personal vision statement apart from achievement?
2.  Do I have a quiet center to my life?
Like when jesus commended Mary when Martha was busy doing good stuff. Do I allow God to speak to me in the stillness of life?
3.  Can I point to current areas that God is transforming in my life?  Am I at a standstill since conversion or do I see God changing areas in my life today.  If I continue to stall it just leads to spiritual death.
4.  Am I maintaining freshness in my walk with God?  Water that flows is fresh.  Am I more like a lagoon or a river?  I must keep what I am receiving and letting it flow out to others.
5.  Am I functioning in my unique ministry?  What is my passion?  Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to invigorate and empower my ministry?
6.  Am I growing in my awe as a worshipper of God?  Is worship just a ritual or does God give you goose bumps?  When God is glorified I am most satisfied by John Piper.
7.  Is my spiritual diet a healthy one for me?  Am I getting what I need in my spiritual diet?
8.  Am I more genuineness in my love for others?  Do not see people as problems people but in an opportunity to show them God's love.
9.  What influence effect I have to  others?  Neutral/negative/salt or change agent.  Does my life challenge people?
10.  Do I have joy?  The kingdom of God has three characteristics:  righteousness, peace, and Joy.  Is it there?