Monday, June 4, 2012

Family Camp 2012

We have a family called the body of Christ and the Lord has given us a supreme gift of ours being Lazy Mountain Bible Church.  I have older ladies that correct me when I have gone astray and I also teach the younger women to seek Him.  Once a year, we have family camp. This time it was on Memorial weekend. The sweet spirit of friendship, worship, and togetherness wrapped into a campfire was perfect for my soul.

The amazing bikers

James my faithful packer (when I hate packing)

Juli Millers' cone of goodness (small version)

Capture the Flag!!

Keen Girls

My dear friend Christina and Rusty, Willow and I went hiking.  So fun.
Willow was tired so, she sat on Rusty

Double Birthday party Bella 1 and Cody 8!

 Sweet Music and Worship to our KingRAiny Day Snuggle

So, I learned to knit by TWO amazing teachers Diana and Sheri