Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Alaskans In Africa Return 2024

Hi Everybody,
Remember us, the “Alaskans in Africa” Embrees?  It’s hard to believe that it has been more than 13 years since we left missions work in South Africa and returned to Alaska.  Our last email as foreign missionaries went out 3/11/2011 called Reckless and Abandon to Serve.  

The last decade plus has been a huge journey of faith and hardship, joy and challenges.  James has served two churches as a pastor.  Ella finished homeschooling the kids and also worked as a tour guide and now as a flight attendant with Alaska Airlines.  Our kids have all launched out on their own lives and are pursuing degrees: Bronwyn (Musical Theater in Connecticut)- Max (Law studies in Alaska), and a career: Hannah as an actress in Indiana (already finished her degree).  We have also taken on a unique event business called Alaska Vintage Markets that allows us to be a help to many local Alaskan small businesses.  

What's next?  Well, Ella’s flight attendant job gives us the privilege of flight benefits.  We have used those benefits to see friends, and families and also to visit some really neat places, but we want to do more.  After asking God, James negotiated two months of unpaid leave from Clear Water Church to serve overseas.  After exploring a few possibilities James accepted an invitation to volunteer as a professor at Union Bible Institute in Hilton, South Africa from the end of January to end of March this year.  He will be helping to train future and current leaders for the Zulu churches of South Africa.

After attending an anti-human trafficking conference in Washington D.C. for Alaska Airlines, Ella will be joining James in South Africa for a few weeks in February during her own month of leave.  

Will you pray?  
1) Strong relationships with the students
2) Safety in God's arms
3) that we would SUPPORT the other nationals and missionaries well.    

Thanks so much, and soon we will again be “Alaskans in Africa”,
Ella & James Embree


Saturday, December 10, 2022

sleep in heavenly peace

“Our Heavenly Father has promised, beloved, sleep. Give restoring rest needful for tomorrow’s toil. If dreams be mine, let them not be tinged with evil. Let the Holy Spirit make my time of rest, a blessed temple of his holy presence. May I hold life loosely in my hand, knowing that I receive it on condition of its surrender, I retire this night, in full assurance of one day awakening with God. All glory for this precious Hope, for the gospel of Grace, for your unspeakable gift of Jesus, for the fellowship of the trinity. withhold not your mercies in the night season; your hand never where are you, your power needs no rest, your eye never sleeps. Help me when I hopeless lie when my mind is harassed by foreboding thoughts, when my eyes are held awake by personal anxieties. Show yourself to me as the God of all grace, love, power; you have a balm for every wound, a solace for all anguish, a remedy for every pain, a peace for all disquietude. Permit me to commit myself to You awake or asleep. Amen.” 

Sleep is a thing I have struggled with and had to learn some tricks because I am working a crazy schedule and have been for over three years. Also, I had a wonderful son who liked 5 am and I am a type of person that needs some quiet before the storm. So, in Africa I got up super early especially with three small humans to keep alive.

Here are a few of my favorite things:

1) exercise (even a short walk) preferably outside so you can get into the time zone of where you are at even if it is for only 17 hours. The sun I have been told promotes a healthy rhythm. 

2) heated eye mask. I actually need this for my eyes but since it is warm and dark it is now my favorite to sleep.

3) 15 minute timer. If I’m exhausted and it’s not near bedtime, I set a 15 minute time and allow my self to rest. Just yesterday my work day was wonky starting at 3:30 am until noon. So I knew I wanted to enjoy the beautiful day, but I was beat. I took a quick 15 minute nap and was able to go skiing for two hours with my friends. 

Revitalizing Sleep

4) my dear friend works at 4:30 am and has used a variety of sleep aids to help with deep sleep at weird times. I tried 5 types of herbal supplements and this one made me sleep the most soundly. It has no melatonin. It might have a placebo effect but it works for me. 

5) audio books. Ok, this is for my active brain. It can’t be to exciting of a book or I’ll want to stay up. But often the reader make a big difference and allows me to turn off this worlds issues (sermons are good at this too). I do set a 15 minute timer and most nights I am asleep before it runs out.

6) fan. We have an air purifier because of my husband asthma and I often will turn on a fan for white noise. I have used an app, but often listening to my book on my phone so I use an actual fan in most hotel rooms.

This is a instagram account I follow, I haven’t tried all of these but my mom love tart cherry juice


Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 Review

Yes, it was a year of tough stuff.  However, I cannot imagine what I would have done without the abiding Word of God and the Holy Spirit guiding and changing me this year. 

We got to enjoy a trip to Arizona and Chicago before the covid animal hit.  So thankful for those walk in the park with Sherry and Jess Case.  

Work:  James was busier than ever when the lockdown occurred in Anchorage, and I was out of a job.  He had to figure out how to keep people connected to the church and God while not being able to meet.  The hardest part was when Hannah can't go back to Taylor, and Max and Bronwyn are doing online school.  My outdoor activities increased as I had no other obligations and needed the "break" by being outside.  So many trails to be grounded on.  

Some of my new favorite trips included:  Spencer Glacier via Fat Bikes, The Bog trail on Classic Skis, Johnson Pass on Mountain Bikes, and the new Little O'Malley hiking trail.  New friend emerges (Becky!!) Since she is also limited in her occupation and enjoys outside.  It was fun.  

Did I mention we acquired a new business in November 2019 and our first big show was delayed until July 22-24?  Alaska Vintage Markets was a miracle to have the success after all the pandemic scares that almost destroyed small businesses especially the ones without a store front but they need the "market" to have customers.   Thank you God who carried both shows with thousands of participants and no covid outbreaks!

Summer hit us, and as a church we started Sundays in the park.  That turned out to be a huge success and will gladly continue in the future (minus the face mask and the social distancing  please).  

We did get some biking in as the highways were quieter, James and I and our fellow tandem biker friends Dave and Laurie joined us in a journey from Fairbanks to Willow Alaska.  So many good and special memories made on this tandem bike.  My favorite was our dear friends willingness to camp in the pouring rain in Talkeetna when they could have gone home.  Hardest part, climbing into Kesugi Ken campground when we biked 70 miles that day.  Laughing.  Scariest part was the crazy hills out of Fairbanks.  Best food was in Healy that feed us and many others multiple meals!   Best value was the $10 campground in Nenana.  Thankful for the cribbage games and sweet talks with James.    

Then my precious mom who was dying slowly for three years with increased dementia stops eating, then in just a few weeks later dies during the lockdown.  I'm thankful for the facetime calls.  I treasure our last conversations.  Tears come but, grief has come to me in waves.  I cherish the joy and kindness she oozed out of her. 

Back to WORK!  YIPPEE!!  But, I am given the hard task as overnight janitor.  It was a humbling job, but, thanks to my super co-workers, I never took the entire time because they helped so much.  Super thankful on October 1, to see the hired janitors back.  Never take that job for granted.  

After the September market, James and I head to Spokane and Idaho on another bike trip.  This time, we bike straight from the Spokane airport to a cabin in the woods.  The paved bike trails were a delight.  Other than google maps turning our bike ride into a hike/bike push into the wilderness for journey on a long lost road, it was incredible.  We canoed, drank coffee, and ate well.  

Going to visit my dear friend Sherry was a delight as she is such an encouraging person.  She is still recovering from a head on car crash, but is growing stronger each day.  We got to explore new places to hike "wind cave" and also laugh as our one trail turned into a canal walk (too easy).  Bronwyn again enjoyed the company of Ben and the pool since its stunning in Arizona. 

Seeing my Dad and cousin Sherry after a LONG time was a special treat to warm up in Austin, TX.  Bronwyn loved the pool and Austin was so green and fun. So thankful for my family.  I got to meet Carol (again) as she has been in my fathers life for a long time and they are together now!  

I took some of my travel benefits (thank you Alaska Airlines) and got to see my dear friend Ruth Cunningham in Nebraska!  It was so encouraging to see her new life in a new place in the midst of so many changes.  

Thankfully, Hannah and Max were both in person at Taylor University.  Hannah even got to perform in three different acts.  James, Bronwyn, Donna and I got to fly out to see the LIVE theater shows.  It felt so good to see and to be taken away on the emotional thrill that theater brings.  It was a whirlwind of a trip (less than 72 hours for me), but so worth it.  Plus, on the way to the airport, we went off roading and enjoyed some of the towns less visited in Indiana. 

In a weird twist of events, we even made new friends! For our last tandem of the year, Tuscon was calling us to come visit.  Jack and Julie were the super-host with trail knowledge and bike love. The biking temps were perfect and the hiking Finger Rock was incredible.  It astonished me how many living things thrive in the dessert.  We also ran into Lael and Rue our biking friends with GRIT in Alaska.  

Listening to podcast, I find a new advent adventure called "Shawdow and Light" by Tsh.  It was the perfect blend of truth with art and music to prepare our hearts for Christmas.  Thankfully, we got to do almost every night as a family. Since hannah and Max came home around Thanksgiving.  

Christmas was odd, but perfect as we had Chinese food and went sledding with my weekly adventure buddy Melissa.  It was fun to sled down a hill while the Turnagain arm sun set! We added another winter cabin time with the family in Willow and was surprised that it wasn't too hard to get too.  We celebrated 23 years of marriage in a two room cabin with a snowshoe hike around the lake. It was the perfect size for our family with two big dogs and plenty warm.  

Yes, there are things that I miss and grieve about this 2020.  But, the family time, heart changes in my life, and the crazy adventures we were able to accomplish makes me praise my Lord and Savior.  I'm so thankful that the outdoors wasn't "closed for covid".  We were all safe from Covid virus,  but I walked with people who dealt with death, disease, and depression.  

Looking ahead...it is still hard to plan for me as disappointment sets in quickly when things get cancelled. But, I will keep looking heaven-bound.  God has been the cornerstone the Rock that I lean on.  

Monday, December 31, 2018

The best of 2018

Best of life in 2018
app for taking notes Notability
app for communication Marcopolo
book for change in me "12 ways your phone is changing you"
best bike ride Denali Highway
best date with James so many, but I love when he reads to me plus puzzles
best day hike Maui, Hileaka hike with Rowland’s
best tandem bike ride Soldotna to Homer
best new food roasted golden beets
best marriage podcast Fierce marriage
best cozy coffee shop Starbucks 100th Ave near target
best city getaway Russian Jack Greenhouse
best thrift store The Archangel Thrift Store
best Asian grocery The Lucky Grocery
best Thai food Thai Orchid
best new game Small World
best Apple Watch app Strava
best spiritual growth app Scripture typer
best convicting sermon Sermon on the Mount: Fasting : growing our Hunger for God.
best new ministry "If Table" mentoring
best family time watching "Our Town" live play at the PAC
-best sporting addional equipment Studded bike tires
best accessory heated gloves.
-hardest day saying goodby to Hannah for college.
best waterfall Virgin Falls Girdwood
-best short hike Peak three
-best grocery and recipe app Anylist
best homeless shelter Downtown Hope Center
best reflecting tool Watercolor Pen and sketchbook.
most helpful accountability group is Moms in Prayer
-best fiction book Name of the Wind
-best grocery online Walmart.
Best ladies getaway Byers Lake January
Best cabin night Hope Alaska

What are some of your best???

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Merry Christmas 2018 from the Embrees

Merry Christmas 2018

Our Family gathered at Anchorage, Alaska

Those present were Max, Hannah, Bronwyn, Ella And James

New members of the family since last Christmas Morfisha the beta fish.

Special traditions we enjoy Each year unwrap the Bible first and James reads the story, photo of the stockings, Christmas Eve service at Clear Water church, Bought gifts for Wendell needy family.

New traditions we started find a place to serve on Christmas. This time we went to the Hospital to visit Kiersten Dahms with heart issues. In the past we have rung Christmas bells for Salvation Army. I got to hand out homeless socks at the corner near REI. Clear Water sponsored a Christmas tree at the solstice tree at Kincaid ski. It was amazing with Mr. Christmas and carols dressed in Dickens costumes, and free hot cider. We also wen away to a cabin in the woods in Hope, Alaska. Yeah!

Special activities of Christmas Eve major was the Clear Water church Christmas Eve. Hannah sang a duet and Bronwyn, Hannah. And Jessica did a skit called “what kind of giver are you?”, also special having Christmas Eve dinner with Nonna and Uppa. I made dog treats to the neighbors to invite them to The service. Fun photo booth.

Special activities of Christmas Day we went to see Aquaman at the Dimond mall. Then toured the gingerbread houses at Captain Cook hotel, and finally went looking at Christmas lights in the neighborhood.

Our Christmas Day menu eggs, leftovers, sausage, and popcorn LOTS.

Special gifts both given and receiving tent, sleeping bag, Hannah got iPhone, echo, Max got noise cancelling ear, and Bronwyn her diffuser, makeup. And yes, I cried when I opened the Vitamix.

New ornaments and decorations for the tree and house James spent money to get all led lights and they went out. Bummer.  I was proactive and got all the Christmas photos I could fine on the various hard drives, then I printed them out and made them a tree and another wall hanging.  I also was thrifty finding out little and big Christmas frames, and so now we have plenty. We did buy a new wreath which double for the Vintage Holiday market and our door.

Special guests during the holidays we had a rarity of couples over, Dahms, Hruby’s, amy and mike Martin, and book club,

Favorite plays, movies, concerts of the season we only saw the show Our Town, the Best Christmas pageant ever, Elf, the grinch that stole Christmas, not a fan of Jingle all the way, Christmas with the Cranks. James read to us a Christmas mystery.

Special spiritual emphasis this Christmas we looked at the various Old Testament guys and we heard from, Adam, Moses, Abraham, and king David. The memory verse is Luke 2:10-11
Quirky things: we played which one is the PJ again? Which resulted in only one wrong guess.  Maybe we’ll learn. We played a round of Nufarious and Ella (me) won for being the mad scientist.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Tough Alaskan Women Interviews

Here is a compilation of interviews of outstanding women in Alaska. If you click on the name it will link to the live interview with them. 

Eowyn Ivey Alaska author and best seller of two novels.  She gives some of her motivations for writing and a hint of her next book that she is in the process of writing.

Ella Embree (Me lol).  Introducing the 1,000 mile bike around Alaska challenge from Sea to Shining Sea. 

Meredith Mapes youngest female *24 years old from Palmer, Alaska, and a rookie Iditarod musher before her big race explaining about her goals for the Last Great Race.

Charity Carmody founder of Beacon Hill which exists to serve Alaska’s children in foster care and children at risk of going into foster care through the love of Christ.

DeeDee Jonroe sweet and tough cancer survivor and an Alaskan woman who has raced the Iditarod since 1980, shares her heart for dogs and passion for caring for others in crisis.

Janice   from Palmer, Alaska is 93 and shares a little about homesteading in Alaska. She was a nurse, worked at a cannery, and was a set-netter for 20 years. Her husband served in WW2, and she came from Montana.

Elishaba Doerksen  Interview with tough Alaska Chick eldest daughter of Papa Pilgrim, who escaped an abusive lifestyle in remote Alaska.

Sierra Dorman   Another tough Alaska Chicks, where she talks about how she went from "command and control" over our country's nuclear weapons to mom life!

Christy Marvin local Alaska Chick mountain runner and mama! She won Mt. Marathon this past summer and many other races!

Pattsy Mendez Peshel Tough Alaska Chick who fought the race of cancer.  She has now since passed.  But, her story will inspire anyone.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Bye Bye Billy Graham, for now

One of the scariest but life-transforming day was the day I was asked to come to Jesus.  It wasn't that He was scary  No, but His holiness made me know I couldn't be perfect enough to be with Him as I was.  He paid the way for me to be holy and forgiven because of His death on the cross.  I didn't have to earn his love but that He was wanting to be #1 in my life.

Giving up that control and the worldly pleasures I embraced, I resisted the call to come to Him.  I was scared to leave them.  However, my life was a mess of disappointments, deceit, and depression.  I had an appearance of status and happiness  I couldn't fake it anymore. 

I longed for truth and acceptance.  In my search for peace and love, I tried meditation and behavior change which was superficial.  It lasted only a moment.  But when the quietness was over my mess was back. 

Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you took my challenge.  I actually said to God, "If you are real, I will follow you." So many things in this world offer significance, hope, peace, love but ultimately I found that in Christ- having a relationship with my King and Heavenly Father is the only way, the only truth, and the only life. 

I am so thankful that someone told me.  I hope you can know Him too.  He is waiting.